At the heart of the Burlington OHT’s model of care is the relationship between a patient and their family doctor, with smooth connections to additional services as needed. The Burlington OHT’s member organizations include:
- Primary care physician groups, which may include allied health professionals such as dieticians, social workers, physiotherapists, etc.
- Home care and community support services, such as in-home nursing, assisted living, community outreach, and hospice care.
- Halton Region, including paramedic services, housing supports, and services for seniors.
- Joseph Brant Hospital.
More than 20 additional collaborating partners from a variety of organizations support Burlington OHT programs. A full list can be found below.
Burlington Ontario Health Team Members
- Acclaim Health and Community Care Services
- Alzheimer Society of Brant, Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton Halton
- Burlington Family Health Team
- Carpenter Hospice
- Songbird Medical(formerly Fairview Medical FHO)
- Burlington Family Health Organization
- Halton Region
- Home & Community Care Support Services (Former HNHB LHIN)
- Joseph Brant Hospital
- North Burlington Medical Centre Family Health Group
- Thrive Group (AbleLiving Services Inc., Capability Support Services Inc., Ste. Peter’s Care Centres, Idlewyld Manor)
Burlington Ontario Health Team Collaborating Organizations and Networks
- Adapt
- Aldershot Family Health Organization
- Billings Court Manor
- Burlington & Area Midwives Inc.
- Caroline Family Health Organization
- Caroline Family Health Team
- CAMA Woodlands Long Term Care Home
- Central Burlington Family Health Organization
- CMHA Halton
- Central West Specialized Developmental Services
- Dr. Sunita Goel, Primary Care Physician
- Epilepsy South Central Ontario
- French Language Health Planning Entity for Waterloo Wellington
- Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant
- Halton Developmental Services Planning Table
- Halton Region Police Service
- Hampton Terrace Long-Term Care Home
- Hope Place Centres
- March of Dimes – Burlington Branch
- Mount Nemo Christian Nursing Home
- Positive Space Network
- Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK)
- St. Joseph’s Seniors Mental Health Outreach Program
- Stride
- Summit Housing & Outreach Programs
- Support House